Closure Notice

On 28 November 2024 we issued a Closure Notice to Walleys Quarry Limited (WQL). We have concluded that management of Walleys Quarry is poor and that further operation of the site may result in significant long-term pollution.

What is a Closure Notice?

There are two ways that a landfill can be formally closed under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (‘EPR’) and the Landfill Directive:

1. Operator-initiated closure - When the operator of an operational landfill permanently stops accepting waste, it can start the closure procedure. It must be compliant with the permit and have appropriate infrastructure, operating techniques, and management plans in place to manage the site through the aftercare phase.

2. Regulator-initiated closure - When the Environment Agency decides that a site must close and issues a Closure Notice. This will normally be when the management of an operational site is poor and further operation of the site may result in significant, long-term pollution.

A Closure Notice is normally used as a last resort once other enforcement options have been exhausted. Under a Closure Notice, the operator must still comply with its permit conditions and remains responsible for maintaining active pollution control measures.

In the case of Walleys Quarry, we have issued the Closure Notice to the operator meaning that no further waste can be accepted for disposal from 29 November 2024. However, closure is a process over a period of time, and some operations will continue on site as part of that process.

What happens next?

The Closure Notice requires WQL to install temporary geomembrane capping to any area of the operational landfill that does not have capping. WQL will also be required to install landfill gas extraction infrastructure in the areas identified in the Closure Notice.

It is possible that you will continue to see lorries entering the site. They will be carrying materials that will be used to cap the site as well as materials in relation to their soil treatment permit.

WQL will be required to provide a Landfill Closure and Aftercare Plan. The schedule of works in this Plan will include an updated leachate management plan, gas management plan, and updated landfill gas management plans. The Landfill Closure and Aftercare Plan would need to deliver a stable final landform with appropriate capping of the landfill. Site management and monitoring plans would need be updated appropriately.

You can see a video explaining our decision to issue a Closure Notice, and what happens next here.

Right of Appeal

As any operator does, WQL has the right to appeal our decision to issue a Closure Notice, which must be made within 2 months of the date the Closure Notice is issued. If there is an appeal, an Inspector appointed by the Planning Inspectorate will hear it and decide whether to quash or affirm the Notice.

On 28 November 2024 we issued a Closure Notice to Walleys Quarry Limited (WQL). We have concluded that management of Walleys Quarry is poor and that further operation of the site may result in significant long-term pollution.

What is a Closure Notice?

There are two ways that a landfill can be formally closed under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 (‘EPR’) and the Landfill Directive:

1. Operator-initiated closure - When the operator of an operational landfill permanently stops accepting waste, it can start the closure procedure. It must be compliant with the permit and have appropriate infrastructure, operating techniques, and management plans in place to manage the site through the aftercare phase.

2. Regulator-initiated closure - When the Environment Agency decides that a site must close and issues a Closure Notice. This will normally be when the management of an operational site is poor and further operation of the site may result in significant, long-term pollution.

A Closure Notice is normally used as a last resort once other enforcement options have been exhausted. Under a Closure Notice, the operator must still comply with its permit conditions and remains responsible for maintaining active pollution control measures.

In the case of Walleys Quarry, we have issued the Closure Notice to the operator meaning that no further waste can be accepted for disposal from 29 November 2024. However, closure is a process over a period of time, and some operations will continue on site as part of that process.

What happens next?

The Closure Notice requires WQL to install temporary geomembrane capping to any area of the operational landfill that does not have capping. WQL will also be required to install landfill gas extraction infrastructure in the areas identified in the Closure Notice.

It is possible that you will continue to see lorries entering the site. They will be carrying materials that will be used to cap the site as well as materials in relation to their soil treatment permit.

WQL will be required to provide a Landfill Closure and Aftercare Plan. The schedule of works in this Plan will include an updated leachate management plan, gas management plan, and updated landfill gas management plans. The Landfill Closure and Aftercare Plan would need to deliver a stable final landform with appropriate capping of the landfill. Site management and monitoring plans would need be updated appropriately.

You can see a video explaining our decision to issue a Closure Notice, and what happens next here.

Right of Appeal

As any operator does, WQL has the right to appeal our decision to issue a Closure Notice, which must be made within 2 months of the date the Closure Notice is issued. If there is an appeal, an Inspector appointed by the Planning Inspectorate will hear it and decide whether to quash or affirm the Notice.

Page last updated: 20 Dec 2024, 01:20 PM